First Date Fashion By Miss Leanne London
20 Aug 2020

First Date Fashion By Miss Leanne London

Now that lockdown has eased and we can get out and about to meet real life people, in real life venues, on an actual date - that doesn’t involve talking to a screen - it’s time to put your Trackie B’s to the back of your wardrobe again. Alongside all the excitement of meeting someone for the first time, one of the fun bits about dating is the preparation beforehand. Face masks, blow drys, nail appointments and of course the all important ‘what to wear’ fashion show with your housemates the night before. Whether you buy something new or recycle one of your favourite outfits from your wardrobe, here’s some of my top tips on what to wear for a first date to help leave a lasting impression.

Stand out in the crowd

What you wear on a date can also be a great way to express your personality. Wearing bright colours to stand out in a bar or even your favourite band t-shirt for a more casual date can be a great talking point. I’m obsessed with anything that sparkles, and like a peacock fanning its tail to show off to the opposite sex, that’s exactly what I do - just with less feathers and more sequins. A tongue-in-cheek slogan tee, jeans and boots is always a great coffee/lunch date outfit. There are so many t-shirts around with political statements, cartoons, risqué quotes or celeb faces on that will reveal a part of your personality, opinions or interests - it also gives the other person something to talk about if they get those first dates nerves.

LBE - Little black everything

If you’re going on a date where the venue is a surprise you can’t go wrong with an LBE - a little black everything - outfit. Black skinny jeans, with a black roll neck and Doc Marten’s looks smart, stylish, elegant and casual all in one. Swap the roll neck for a black sheer top to add a bit of va, va, voom and you still won’t look out of place whether you end up in a cocktail bar, art gallery, coffee shop or playing crazy golf. Wearing all black means you can play around with accessories and make-up too. Wearing a bright lipstick colour during the day or dark eye make-up for the evening accentuates your features. Another favourite outfit of mine is black skinny jeans, black stilettos, a black body with a bright coloured handbag and matching lip. It makes you look a little mysterious, dangerous but super sexy. If like me you like to stuff your face at restaurants and often spill your drinks, a little black everything outfit works wonders at covering any mess you might make at the dinner table. You won’t need to worry about spilling that third glass of red wine down your top ever again.

Comfort is key

Whatever you decide to wear, making sure you are comfortable is up there with one of the most important things to consider. Wearing new shoes that rub, a top with straps that dig in, or jeans that are fresh out the wash will have you fidgeting in your seat and clawing at your clothes, rather than listening to what your date is saying or engaging in some sexy eye contact. I always like to try on an outfit the night before as a trial run. You can sit down, stand up, have a walk around your house and even dance around to some music to see how it looks and feels in every possible date scenario - you might also want to see how easy it is to remove too. There’s nothing worse than a tight, strappy top getting stuck around your shoulders whilst trying to seduce someone!

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