09 May 2024

SpeedDater at DatingNews!

At SpeedDater we want to help you find love in every way possible! We chatted to DatingNews.com to discuss all things Speed Dating and why SpeedDater is the company for you to help you find 'the one' in the wake of offline dating and meeting people 'in the flesh'! Follow the link and read the short article, whereby our Events Manager Lissy chats about the differences between SpeedDater and other generic Speed Dating companies, including some of our exciting activity dating events! Check the article!  
08 Mar 2023

International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day to everyone who identifies as a woman!  https://open.spotify.com/show/1IfpSKrIJTvN7ZCjIz6faN Let’s be honest, some days we probably wish we were a man. However we’ve scratched and clawed our way closer to making womanhood a more enjoyable experience over the years and we have a lot to be PROUD of! Today is a day where we get to shoutout the achievements of amazing women before us that have made life a little more bearable for the rest of us AND keep it pushing for those that still suffer under the capitalist patriarchy. Yuck, I’m literally shivering.    The History of International Women’s Day Since the 1900s women have been fighting to close the gap between men's and women’s rights, and working and living conditions. Tension and unrest were growing as women began to find their voice against the oppression and inequality. Campaigning for change started in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding fairer working conditions and voting rights. In 1975 International Women's Day was officially claimed for the first time by the United Nations. Fast forward to today, whilst conditions for women in many countries have improved, there is still much work to do. Our job will not be done until every woman has the equal opportunity to education, careers, body autonomy, the right to vote, the freedom to choose to love who they want, and access to period care products.   International Women’s Day 2023 The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. With this in mind, it is only fitting that I take the time to celebrate our fab female team who tirelessly work behind the scenes, updating and improving our website, helping to deliver SpeedDater as a platform and service to the hopeless romantics of the 21st Century! Marina, Nathalie, and Lyudmila are three phenomenal ladies who form part of our team based in Ukraine. They keep all the cogs moving despite the external stresses and uncertainty of the war. Without them, the backend would crumble and your dating life would pay the price.  Other kick-ass women who help run SpeedDater are Sarah and Sophie, our UK events angels. Sophie swooped in to save SpeedDater through the pandemic, delivering amazing virtual events for our singles, easing the isolation burden. Sarah our Events Manager has been a pillar of the company for over 5 years and has recently launched The SpeedDater Podcast! She is slowly but surely becoming a tech head. We never thought we would see the day! This new resource is helping the hubby and honey hunters build on their dating skills one episode at a time. I have the pleasure of working on this as well. It has been a true passion project. If you haven’t tuned in to The SpeedDater Podcast on Spotify yet, well put simply, you’re missing out!   How can we celebrate International Women’s Day 2023? There are many ways to spend this day. The main focus should be obvious on celebrating all women. I always take the time to tell the ladies closest to me what I value about them and how proud I am of what they have achieved. In addition to this, I tend to follow the checklist below. Watch women's rights documentaries (Becoming, Reversing Roe, Period. End of Sentence, Feminists: What Were They Thinking?). Read books written by female authors on female empowerment (Block, Delete, Move On by LalalaLetMeExplain, Badly Behaved Women: The Story of Modern Feminism by Anna-Marie Crowhurst & The Feminist Killjoy Handbook by Sarah Ahmed are just some suggestions to get you started. Tune in to a podcast while I work (some of my go-to's are Bobo and Flex Podcast, Encyclopaedia Womannica or Lady Don’t Take No by Alicia Garza and of course The SpeeedDater Podcast). Educate me on the challenges women and girls face around the world. Read GOOD news about women and give a shoutout when they achieve amazing things, especially for the milestones and achievements they make without men. Don’t just celebrate women when they have kids, get married. Celebrate them when they graduate, open their own business, and have life achievements alone. Support small independent businesses run and owned by women.  Have a group video call with the girls, vino in hand and feel the community womanhood creates. I hope this helps you have a game plan for today to celebrate International Women’s Day well! It’s an amazing, trying, tumultuous experience to identify as a woman BUT we’ve got this.  Big love my ladies!
15 Jun 2022

It really does work!

I love my job! I love planning events and having a chance to be creative while watching humans build connections and fall in love! And one of the best parts about working for SpeedDater is hearing your stories! This week, two of our previous attendees shared theirs with us. So please join us in reading Mr and Mrs Mathew's story and in congratulating them on their marriage!  We met at a SpeedDater singles event on the 17th March 2018. It was a lock and key event. All the ladies wear padlocks and the men go around with a key. If the key fits, you both win a prize!  I was very positive that evening and looking to enjoy myself. Had ZERO idea I'd meet my future wife there! When I arrived all the boys seemed to cluster around the bar and the girls were all hanging around their own area. I decided to be brave and commenced the approach. My first conversation was with a group of 3 and in this group would be the future Mrs Matthews.  I was instantly attracted to her, she was so cute with her blonde hair. I introduced myself and we hit it off straight away. An interesting and cute fact: I was the key to her lock! It was also the first unlocking attempt of the evening. It was meant to be, you could say. We went to do our lucky dip, Monika won a drink and I won nothing. I wanted to chat with her all evening but thought I should mingle. At the end of the evening, I noticed she was leaving so I plucked up the courage to ask for her number, which is something I rarely do as I guess I was afraid of rejection. We arranged a date and have never looked back! After 2 years together, she moved in with me and a year later I popped her THE question. We got married in January of this year (2022). We are so happy and looking forward to the future. For anyone nervous about dating or trying SpeedDater, sign up for an event. You may just find that special someone! All the best and lots of love, David and Monika Matthews   Reading letters like this really makes the job feel worthwhile and shows you that with a little faith, courage and the help of SpeedDater you might find your life partner next!  Congratulations David and Monika! We're so over the moon for you both and wish you all the best for the future!    Big Love,  SpeedDater 
15 Jun 2022

A True Romance

It truly is special to all of us at SpeedDater when you share your romantic stories with us. We feel so proud and overjoyed that we get to be part of your moment. Recently, Daniel and Kate came to us with their story from December 2015. It was New Year's Eve, and SpeedDaters NYE Lock & Key party was in full swing in London. Daniel found himself with few options for celebrating the evening, so persuaded himself to "just go for it" (which he did on his own). Kate was in Nottingham and had decided not attend as she and her friend had thought the party was in Birmingham. To Daniel's delight, she changed her mind last minute.  Daniel was one of the first to arrive, taking a key on a nylon necklace, which men were issued with as an icebreaker trying to match the ladies padlocks on a similar chain. Daniel embarked on a night of 'Networking' albeit this time not for business. His only thought was to start talking to anyone to calm the butterflies, but with no expectations, only just to have a laugh. Daniel began mingling, with a few unusual questions in his back pocket, which did receive odd and interesting response. He'd actually met Kate earlier in the evening and she rose to the challenge with interesting answers. One that struck a chord was "If we were at a water park and I were on a water slide, where would she be?" Her answer "In front of you". That was the moment he realised she was going to be fun and would challenge him all the way.  He then asked "What 5 items would you take on a stranded deserted island?" Contact with kids and family was along the answers, Daniel liked the dedication to family. They decided to mingle with others, as Kate was with her friend, and Daniel's speed dating slot was up.  As the night went on, they continued to bump into each other, laughing, joking and comparing notes. She wasn't really there to meet anyone, only to support her friend, as she recently came out of a relationship and was not ready, or so she thought. It was about 9.30pm, Daniel had spoken to a number of people and bumped into an old school friend. He then saw Kate queuing at the bar waiting to order a drink. At that moment, Daniel decided he'd spoken to enough people and whilst there were many opportunities to speak to more, he didn't see the point.  With that, he walked up - grabbed her padlock on her nylon necklace, took my key chain and put them on the bar and just said.... "That's it - you are my date for tonight, what do you want to drink?"  For Daniel, it was one of those mad over-confident moments that he just thought, "let's go for it. What do I have to lose?" Thankfully the response was positive, but touched with a bit of shock, he imagined. They spent the rest of the evening dancing, drinking, and generally just laughing their way into a more than merry state, and shared a kiss at midnight.  At the end of the evening, Daniel carried Kate to the train station on his back as her feet were a little sore. At Liverpool Street Station, Daniel gave her his number and they both went their separate ways. Within half an hour, she was calling him, and they ended up chatting for 45 minutes. They planned to meet up a couple of days later on the Saturday.  That is where it all started. On Christmas Day 2020, Kate accepted Daniels' proposal. They are due to get married in early August this year, and they now both live together in Nottingham.  We'd like to thank Daniel & Kate for this moving, romantic and incredibly touching story. We wish you all the best with your future and hope that you will share your wedding photos with us. We wish you all the best with your upcoming nuptials.    Big Love, SpeedDater   
26 Apr 2022

Top Books to Build Relationships

Relationships may be a tough thing to deal with. Things might be going swimmingly one minute and disastrous the next. You may look at pictures of Victoria and David Beckham smiling and holding hands, and you may wonder what their relationship has that yours doesn’t. Couples’ counselling is a great approach to coping with a relationship’s ups and downs. The best method to reach an agreement with a loved one is to talk things out and ask the correct questions to have a deeper understanding of one another. Reading good books on enhancing relationships is an excellent addition to therapy. The books about relationships mentioned here are the most well-liked, well-rated, and well-reviewed options. These books take a range of approaches to heal and improve relationships. Couples may apply some of these books’ advice to strengthen their relationships. You may learn how to handle life’s complications, develop good relationships and rebuild trust, and even meet a soul match in these books on relationships.Come on, let’s get this party started.1. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: Practical Guide for Improving Communication by John GrayRelationship experts throughout the world swear by this book as a go-to resource. It provides readers with a tried-and-true way for better understanding people of the other sex.Grey believes that recognising disparities between men and women regarding their emotional needs and desires might lead to better communication in partnerships. This book’s evidence-based advice can help you build stronger connections in the long run. This classic study on knowing the other sex provides a solid foundation for comprehending the differences between men and women without making unfounded assumptions about either gender. For people in turbulent relationships, Gray’s advice on reconciling is invaluable. But others argue this book favours males and offers them an excuse to delegate some duties to women. In some aspects, this “must-read” book appears to give males a pass to gloss over their awful conduct because “they are men.” 2. The Relationship Cure: A 5-Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman Author Dr John M. Gottman, who has been on the New York Times bestseller list for over a decade, gives readers the know-how they need to make their relationships work. A strong emotional bond is one of the most important aspects of a successful relationship, and he discusses why this is so. Gottman provides his readers with a unique set of tools for repairing relationships when he introduces the notion of the “bid.” He has the power to free many individuals from the shackles of unhealthy romantic relationships. Many of the tasks and quizzes in The Relationship Cure were created in response to his treatment. To improve the quality of relationships on a basic level, Gottman proposes a simple yet impactful approach. Although some readers have found this book’s content difficult to comprehend, it all makes sense once they put it into practice. 3. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary D. ChapmanThose looking to improve their relationships and understand why their needs and expectations are not being fulfilled will find this book invaluable. While falling in love is simple, it’s far more difficult to remain in love. Individuals having difficulties in their relationships might benefit from learning about the five different ways that people express and receive love. Practical and informative, The 5 Love Languages is a must-have resource. Updated versions reflect today’s more complicated marital connections. It has been around for a long time and remains popular. That which is intrinsic and actionable is used in effective ways, and that’s what it’s about. For those who want to understand more about their own and their partner’s love languages, the 5 Love Languages offers a “couple’s profile” evaluation. This book comes highly recommended and has been described as motivating and worthwhile by many who have read it. A few readers complained that the book lacked examples and anecdotes of how people had used the principles in their own lives to achieve success. 4. Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection by SJ Scott and Barrie Davenport We tend to put our relationships on the back burner because of the constant commotion in our lives. Some healthy behaviours that enhance our relationships may even be overlooked in our day-to-day responsibilities. There is a risk of conflicts that go unsolved, as well as ideas of how your life would be better if you didn’t have to cope with your relationship. Keeping your relationship a priority in your life and having only pleasant interactions with your spouse is the focus of this book. This book is a treasure trove of insight, guidance, and practical ideas that individuals can apply to make their relationships genuinely successful. According to the writers, individuals may strengthen their present relationships or mend broken bones. 5. I Love You, But I Don’t Trust You: The Complete Guide to Restoring Trust in Your Relationship by Mira Kirshenbaum Does your relationship need to be saved, or is there any possibility that trust may be restored? So, if you’re looking to save a relationship off the rocks, this could be the appropriate book for you. A lack of trust may strain a relationship, regardless of the cause: repeated tiny falsehoods, a huge betrayal, or even a history of being injured in previous relationships. Regardless of how your relationship was harmed, this book will teach you exactly what steps to take to regain lost trust. Once the process of strengthening starts, Kirshenbaum also aids the reader in understanding the steps of creating trust. Instead of repeating old errors, readers will learn how to avoid them and find how to connect. After a betrayal, it’s hard to know whether or not saying I love you and don’t trust you is a good first step. If a couple gets bogged down in the healing process, they may utilise it as a resource along the line. Because the author’s tone is light-hearted, many people have found it reassuring. I Love You, But I Don’t Trust You strikes a good balance between realism and optimism. 6. How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams by Corey Wayne To better comprehend women from a man’s viewpoint, this book offers the reader a few secrets. It encompasses both short-term and long-term romances. Both men and women may benefit from reading this book about women’s psychology. Women may get new insights about how to communicate with males in a previously overlooked way. 3% As a result, Man educates the reader about their own value and the need of never settling for less than they want in a spouse. Many individuals like this book because it teaches them how to alter their thinking, which they can then use in various parts of their lives. 7. Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love by Amir Levine MD and Rachel SF Heller, MA To find out why some individuals have no trouble in relationships while others struggle can be the topic of this book on relationship secrets. An advanced relationship science, adult attachment, is explained in Attached to illustrate how it might help individuals discover and keep love. The study of adult attachment is based on the premise that people act nervously, avoidantly or comfortably in romantic relationships. Those looking for a stronger connection with their loved ones may find this guide useful. This book has opened the eyes of many readers to the reality of human relationships. Despite its apparent simplicity, the book is suitable for a wide readership and contains sound advice for everyone. 8. Deal Breakers: When to Work On a Relationship and When to Walk Away by Dr Bethany Marshall This book focuses on emotionally unbalanced males who often cause women to doubt their own worth in their relationships. As the author points out, relationships may be stressful, but they become unmanageable at what point? Breaking toxic relationships is one of the main themes of Deal Breakers, a book that aims to help you do just that. Why would a person who refuses to work on their problems now decide to work on them later? Believing in a better future doesn’t guarantee it will come to pass. When it comes to love relationships, Dr Bethany Marshall reminds her female readers that they are much like business relationships in that they are all about making agreements. To get to the bottom of what went wrong in your relationship, you need to know what your deal breaker is. This empowers women to achieve the happiness they are entitled to. People who are contemplating divorce may find this book helpful. People who wish to safeguard themselves financially in the event of a break-up will find this book invaluable. Protecting family assets is an important topic for Marshall, but she points out that she is not giving psychiatric counselling.
20 Jan 2022

Friendship and Dating - The Best Relationships Begin With Friendship

There is a belief that men and women simply cannot become friends and keep it that way. This belief is based around the assumption that hot-blooded men are constantly looking for something more while women eventually succumb to their advances, in time either falling madly in love, even though their initial intentions were very different, or removing themselves from their life completely! Despite this, many relationships that flourish into something beautiful start off life as nothing more than friendship, or even remain as it for years and years. Friendships often strengthen because people are similar, but this is often the case with relationships. If you find yourself in a position where you suddenly have different feelings for a friend, you’ll feel slightly confused and lost. However, did you realise that many of the best relationships actually begin with friendship? The issue of moving from friendship to romance depends on the other person feeling the same. When deciding on whether to take a chance on finding out, you’ll feel as though you’re sticking your head out of the trenches, expecting it to be taken out by a sniper taking aim from a distance. Taking a chance becomes risky because your friendship could be doomed forever. And there are worse cases – maybe this person is a work colleague, which could scupper your professional development. Perhaps it’s an old school friend who you’ve known for many decades. Are you willing to throw that away? Those feelings you’re experiencing are difficult to suppress. The old saying about curiosity that killed the cat is slowly taking hold of you. Still, your wants and desires are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Don’t look at things with negative spectacles firmly gripped to your face. Instead, take a positive outlook and see the benefits of being attracted to a friend because you might be pleasantly surprised. So, what are the benefits of being attracted to a friend and venturing into a relationship with them? You Understand What’s Similar What’s especially important when getting romantically involved with a friend is the ability to understand their personality and what you share. Researchers have explored the link between friendship and romantic relationships, so you might expect your love life to resemble something from American Pie. With friendships, you get to know each other on a whole new level, and that can lead to a strong relationship, even if love develops over many months or years. In contrast, researchers discovered that people who fall in love fast might become romantically involved quickly but soon, they realise that their personalities simply clash. Personalities are hugely influential in any relationship. As friends, over time, you’ve slowly learned about each other. You understand different traits, and a slow and gradual move towards romance is likely to inform you that you are attracted to their personality. When things are rushed and move at a rapid pace, there’s no time to get to know the other person. Any relationship that’s going to stand a chance of succeeding is going to need to be built on solid foundations, and that’s where starting off as friends can really make a difference. Increased Intimacy and Compatibility OK, we’re not talking about intimacy that resembles that of Fifty Shades of Grey. We are talking about an intimacy that grows and strengthens over time. As friends, you might have discussed personal elements about your sex life or what really gets you going. Learning about people requires a certain investment, and that investment is time. Sometimes, relationships aren’t given enough time, which means that they fall quicker than a horse at the first hurdle of the Grand National. When relationships build from friendships, that compatibility scale is something that you’re both familiar with. You’ve shared laughter, tears and consoled each other during difficult times, and that’s because you care and get on. For a relationship to stand the test of time, partners need to recognise what underpins stability and success. With compatible personalities, things are likely to become more successful on every level. When people get together after a chance meeting, they find that it takes time to learn about the other person. This can be weeks or maybe months, but it could lead to differing personalities that clash like two heavyweight boxers. When friendship becomes the starting point, these relationships experience more commitment because they’re more understanding and respectful. Furthermore, this commitment ultimately leads to intimacy, and that’s hugely influential when making a decision to ask your friend if they feel the same as you. When friendship isn’t the starting point, couples find themselves in no-man’s land whereby they’re still working out what is what and who is who. You don’t get this when your relationship grows beautifully out of friendship. Taking Time Leads to Relationship Success Just like many things in life, take your time, and the outcome is better. This can be said for relationships that begin life as friendship. Just like building a house, take time to create good foundations, and you’ll build a house that’s solid and sturdy. This is much the same when having a relationship with a friend. Your friendship started life slowly. You recognised that you were compatible and then slowly grew closer. This understanding has been the starting block for your relationship and is the reason why you might find that your relationship will become more successful. Friendships that are fully established enables us to identify anything we dislike or like about that person. This informs us and enables us to determine that they’re the perfect fit. Friendships begin by chance. Whether it’s someone you meet in the workplace or at school. There are plenty of other people to make friends with, but you find yourself drawn to an individual. This is because you enjoy being with them, you share interests and beliefs. These similarities are something you’ve recognised over time, and that’s why these kinds of relationships become more successful, just like at “When Harry Met Sully” – being together as friends for years will probably assure you’re going to be a fantastic couple. What all of this proves is that friendship can be the perfect start to a loving relationship. You might not recognise this at the moment you meet, but through time, as you grow closer and feelings change, you might not realise that your relationship could be stronger than you think.
26 Oct 2021

Celebrity Couples That Will Definitely Inspire You

When it comes to meeting someone and forging a relationship with them, there are no rule books. Sure, we might be inspired by our parents who have had a loving relationship since the day we were born, but other than that, you’re free to go and learn about love. Heartache and disappointment might attempt to trip us up along the way, but there is somewhere we can take inspiration from - celebrities! Many of us live our lives through the media, keeping up with the latest celebrity escapades. However, many celebrities let their love lives play out in the media, giving us a little glimpse into the notion that true love does exist, even beyond our own boundaries. So, check out these celebrity couples, and you’ll feel inspired to discover a true love of your own! Barack and Michelle Obama From the moment Barack Obama became the first black president in 2008, he became an icon and someone who has influenced others to break down barriers. However, Barack came with something else, his wife, Michelle! This is nothing untoward as almost all presidents come with a first lady, but this relationship is different. This power couple has never hidden their feelings or love for each other, which has been the real making of this relationship. Barrack has clearly battled his way to the top with Michelle by his side, and he clearly has eyes for her only. They’ve made it to the top of the world and make a point that an excellent team can prove anything is possible! Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively They first discovered each other in 2011, and when we say discovered, they surely already knew about each other being top film stars and all that! They met on the set of Green Lantern, and they hit it off immediately, but things didn’t get moving until a year later. They started their journey to love as friends and built it up from there before eventually tying the knot in 2012. This power couple has two children but is proof that you can still thrust yourself into the limelight and remain true to each other too. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry It has been many years since a couple garnered as much attention as this pair has. Meghan Markle is an actress who claims to have once known nothing about the British Royal Family, while Prince Harry has been brought up in a completely different environment. After going public in 2017, the couple found themselves in the limelight, and they have since become married. They have been on Royal tours together; they now have two children and have been under tough scrutiny after Prince Harry decided to remove himself from his title and the Royal Family. They’ve made some tough decisions, but they’re clear proof that you can tackle anything as a couple if you stay strong. Beyoncé and Jay Z Add one hip hop, rap mogul, and one ex-girl band member turned solo superstar singer, and you have a mix that probably shouldn’t work, but it does! Beyoncé and Jay Z wed in 2008, and the couple has several children together, and they also have a huge collection of Grammys too! They’ve lived much of their relationship in the eye of the public, and they have also faced their challenges in public too, but there is something we love about this power couple. Maybe it’s the fact that they simply keep on giving us lots to love about them! John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Chrissy Teigen is a global fashion superstar who had spent her career on catwalks while husband John Legend did really say that she could have “All of Me” when they first met during the filming of one of his music videos. The two have been together since 2007, and they eventually wed in 2013 and now have several children together. They are the perfect couple and seem to have a blissful yet glamorous relationship that goes from strength to strength. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith This pair has history, and Jada already had eyes for Will when he played his role in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. She auditioned to play his girlfriend in the show, and although she didn’t get the role, she eventually got him! They’ve certainly lived a huge part of their lives in front of the camera, but with two children, they’re never going to part and are in it for the long run! They married in 1997, which seems like a lifetime ago, but they now consider each other as life partners, and we think that’s pretty cute. David and Victoria Beckham Wow, where do we start? This couple could be considered to be the first power couple who happily lived their lives in the limelight. When you have one superstar footballer and a singer from the biggest girl group of all time, this relationship was always destined for greatness! Their relationship started after meeting by chance, even though they would have clearly known who each other was at the time. They tied the knot in 1999, and their status grew beyond anything they or anyone else imagined. David became a global superstar and took his football career around the world, all while Victoria raised their four children and turned them into the perfect couple and family. Prince William and Kate Middleton This could be considered a fairy-tale partnership; after all, there is a real-life prince involved! Prince William will become the King of Britain at some point in the future which means that anyone who commits to becoming his wife will certainly have big boots to fill. Kate has simply fallen into the role with ease, and they have now become the perfect couple. They have been married for ten years and have three children together, but they still manage to create that perfect image in public, much to the annoyance of couples around the world because it all seems too perfect! Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Tom Hanks has become one of the biggest actors of all time. He has played roles in some of the biggest films ever seen, but there has been one thing that has kept him grounded - his wife of 30 years. Tom and Rita are a dream partnership and keep their relationship relatively low key which might be their secret to success. Tom dotes on Rita and puts his success in Forrest Gump down to her, which is a testament to their partnership. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas How does a beautiful lady from Wales marry one of the biggest film stars of all time? While we don’t have the answer, we have to commend this power couple for sticking with each other for two decades. The biggest hurdle they have overcome is the age difference, proving that age is nothing but a number. While they were once on every page of every magazine, they’re now keeping things low-key, and with several children, they’re proof that any relationship can work when love is mutual. Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom When it comes to modern pop stars, few come bigger than Katy Perry. Orlando Bloom is also a household name, so when this pair came together and got engaged in 2019, it was clear that things were very real. She has taken a slow approach to get back in front of the microphone, but with their child, they are clearly focusing on taking their relationship to the next level! Inspiration doesn’t come any better than from those who spend their time in front of the camera showing the world how much they love each other. While most of us aren’t followed around by photographers or camera crews, we can still take a lot from what these power couples have taught us.
20 Sep 2021

Date Ideas For this Fall Season

As the door closes on summer, autumn rears its beautiful head, bringing with it the changing colours of leaves and the fading of the light. However, while everyone associates summer with love and passion, there’s no reason why autumn cannot be filled with romance. Finding romance is one thing, but date ideas are a completely different ball game. Despite this, date ideas in autumn are available in abundance. So, with this in mind, what date ideas can you take advantage of? Marvel at Bonfire NightOn the 5th of November, everyone decides to celebrate Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot of 1605. Despite the history behind the celebration, it’s a special opportunity to get together on a date. The first thing to consider is wrapping up warm because it can prove to be a cold evening. Next, find a fireworks display and soak up the atmosphere together. The amazing colours and sounds will blow you both away. However, it’s the ideal opportunity to connect with each other while enjoying a traditional hotdog. Soak up the StarsThis date will require the stars to align in more than one way. This is because it requires a crystal clear evening with no cloud cover. Furthermore, you’ll also need to pick a spot where light pollution is at a minimum. Once the location has been decided, pack a picnic of warming treats, a flask of coffee and simply settle in for the evening. You can pick out constellations, spot shooting stars and enjoy spending quality time together. Pamper YourselvesNothing is more romantic or relaxing than a spa night. Pick a couple’s spa evening and don your robe and sink into some soothing spa treatments together. From facials to massages and foot soaks, the experience will leave you both feeling chilled, at ease and ready to take the date further. Settle in With Some Board GamesNot every date has to be fast-paced or overly exciting. Invite your date around to your place and have a themed board game evening. Pour the drinks, choose your games and begin playing. Whether it’s Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit or even old-fashioned card games, the real idea behind this evening is to relax and understand more about each other from the comfort of home. Go Pumpkin PickingWith autumn comes Halloween, and this celebration of all things ghouls and ghosts is the perfect opportunity for adults to have some fun. Before the celebrations begin on 31st October, find yourself on a farm and go hunting for some pumpkins. Go searching for the largest one you can find or find some cute pumpkins that are ideal for putting on display in the home. Whatever you’re looking for, the hunt for pumpkins will bring you both closer together. Pumpkin CarvingOnce you’ve picked your pumpkins, the fun doesn’t stop there! The time has come to get creative with one another. This pumpkin carving experience is one filled with laughter, but who can create the best pumpkin? Pick a simple design if you’re playing it safe, or go for something completely wild with a unique design. Whatever you choose, this idea is great for learning more about each other. Hit a Farmers MarketFarmers markets during autumn have a romantic yet charming feel to them. Wandering around, hand in hand and browsing the local produce is perfect for learning all about each other’s likes and dislikes. You could even agree to purchase some goods and even cook together. Pick Fall Harvest Fruit and Get BakingApples and pears, as well as pumpkins, are plentiful during fall. What this means is that you can get baking, making some delicious treats that will keep you warm and full during the dark evenings. You can choose to bake apple pies and tarts or pumpkin pies, all of which can be captured with some amazing selfies of you and your date. Pick a Horror MovieWe all understand how autumn is full of frights because the lead up to Halloween is all about preparing for the big day. However, you don’t need an excuse to settle down and watch a horror movie to get you in the mood. The chances are your date is going to want to bury her head in your arm in an attempt to avoid those frightening scenes. However, this provides the perfect opportunity to become her protective partner by wrapping your arms around her. Go HikingThe days are considered shorter in autumn as daylight disappears earlier in the day. However, you can still arrange a hiking date in the mountains. The aim is to discover some picturesque, secluded spots where you can reveal a romantic picnic of champagne and strawberries. Soak up the beautiful Autumn colours and make memories that last a lifetime. Check Out a BreweryWhile it might not seem like the dream date, this is a surprisingly interesting date where you get to sample plenty of cider or beer. Mulled apple cider is always a hit during autumn, and where better to try it than a brewery? Getting indoors for the afternoon to avoid the cold weather is always a hit, so toss those woolly jumpers aside and grab yourself a glass and get sampling! Book a Ghost HuntEvery town or city has an abundance of apparently haunted houses. The intrigue and mystery that surrounds them are certain to make for an interesting evening. Don’t expect to dress up as one of the Ghostbusters, and don’t expect to be accompanied by a character known as Slimer either! What you’ll get is an evening of frights and sights, making it the ideal date; just don’t forget your proton pack and your ghost trap! Get Painting and Drink Some WineThis might not seem like the right blend of activities but hold up! You don’t have to be the next Vincent Van Gogh (unless you cut off your own ear!), but the idea is to get creative. Grab some spare canvases from your local hobby store, get your paint and some wine and begin painting a masterpiece! You’ll belly laugh together, you’ll love trying to guess what each other is painting, but furthermore, you’ll discover the wine goes down extremely easy too! Go on a Coffee DateSomething as simple as a coffee date is enough to bring you together. Simply chatting freely over a latte or a cappuccino is the perfect way to pass those cold and damp Autumn days. Get deep into conversation, enjoy getting your head into some books, or you can simply watch the world pass you by. Whatever you opt for, the coffee shop vibe is enough to help you understand even more about each other. Cook Dinner For Each OtherThis is the perfect opportunity to get two dates in the diary! Give each other the scope to cook romantic meals in each other’s homes. Find some Autumn themed ingredients and then look at setting the tone with some soft music and candlelight. Once you enjoyed one date night, it’s time for the other to begin planning theirs! Venture Out on a BikeBike rides on a crisp Autumn day could beat a sunny summer day because there’s so much on offer! Plan your bike trail and pack a blanket too. There’s no rush or racing here, but it’s more about discovering nature and exploring new areas with each other. Stop off in different locations and enjoy the quietness and serenity together. Arrange a Halloween PartyWhat better way to celebrate Halloween than a Halloween Party. You can invite each other’s friends and create a killer party together. Planning the party together is an experience that certainly requires togetherness and teamwork. You’ll enjoy the chance to create some frightening decorations as well as Halloween themed food, while the opportunity to meet friends could help to solidify your relationship! Invite Friends and Have a BonfireGo around collecting old wood and offcuts weeks before you plan to send sparks flying, and then arrange a bonfire party! The fresh Autumn evening air is kind of grounding and leaves you feeling at one with nature but throwing in that unmistakable scent of fire, burning, and smoke adds to the excitement. Get the fire going with friends and grab some chairs before cooking up some hotdogs and burgers for everyone to enjoy. It’s not a private date night, but it’s a date night that’s pretty hard to beat. Book A Ride in a Hot Air BalloonThis has to be considered one of the more romantic options, but you’ll wow your date with this one. Book your trip, and you’ll soar high in the air together, giving you the opportunity to gaze at the Autumn colours below while sipping champagne. It’s the dreamy kind of date that people dream about! Keen to Move Away from the Single Life?You can escape the single life with ease because speed dating is on your side. The great thing about speed dating is its ability to thrust you into situations with new people. You don’t have to be the next Patrick Swayze or Demi Moore, but you can enjoy the opportunity to connect with new singles quickly and successfully! There are plenty of speed dating events to enjoy during fall, some of which will be themed, adding to the excitement.
13 Aug 2021

All You Should Know Before Getting into A Vacation Romance

When you’re on vacation, things feel good. You’re away from home and are enjoying the freedom and relaxation whereby the weight of the world is no longer on your shoulders. While you jet off for golden beaches or adventures through the jungle, a romance might be the last thing on your mind. However, it is possible to find love while holidaying. Don’t look at them as though they are fling. The reality is that it is possible for things to last. Of course, things seem perfect while on vacation, leaving you feeling as though happiness and lightness in your thoughts will remain once you arrive home. It’s important to realise that simply bumping into a soulmate while being on the other side of the world is rare. Once home, you’ll slip back into your daily routines, which changes your relationship’s dynamics (should you agree to continue it after you return) in the blink of an eye. While you once spend every second together, your lives can pull you apart, and the cracks could begin to show. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. There is every chance that a summer romance can blossom into something beautiful, much like a caterpillar transforming into a stunning butterfly. It can feel as though this meeting orchestrated by chance, a travel booklet you saw at the office or online, is superficial and false, but the emotions of finding someone you have feelings for can leave you gripped, especially when the time comes to head back home. However, it’s important not to dismiss your fleeting romance as something that will dissipate and disappear once you step onto the plane. If there are feelings, take the time to do everything possible to meet again because the effort could be worthwhile. So, before you embark on a vacation romance, it can help to know these things. It Can Be a True and Real Love… or notThis can seem completely ludicrous, but there’s every possibility that this could be real love, even though you’ve only just met. Love really can happen quickly, and you’ll need to prepare yourself for this. So, don’t assume that there’s no chance love can flourish in a matter of days. Embrace the moment and make sure you remain connected with them during and after your holiday ends. Life revolves around finding love, and you don’t want to miss out on this golden opportunity. So, don’t be dismissive or even defensive; let your guard down, go with the flow and embrace this moment and all that it offers; even if it’s not what you seek, the emotions will stay with you for quite some time. The Connection Feels LifelongYou might feel as though a connection cannot be made instantly, but it is possible, especially if it is a) the summer, b) everyone is aroused, c) you feel free when far away from home. If you have a strange feeling that you know them in a way that feels impossible, then it’s time to take notice of your feelings. There’s one possibility, which means that you are falling madly for their beauty and character, so you’re telling yourself that the connection is real. However, there is a possibility that you do have something in common. So, it’s worth hanging around (even if only for a few weeks of your vacation) and sticking things out to see what unfolds. You Want the Same ThingsRelationships are built on a mutual understanding and agreement of what you want in the future. If one wants to travel around the world all the time and the other doesn’t, then it’s either time to compromise or go your separate ways. However, should your holiday romance reveal that you’re both looking for the same things, this could be a sign. The chance of meeting someone who shares your future desires is rare, so it’s time to embrace it and take advantage of it. Surely, understanding that you want the same things is a sign that this could be heading in the right direction? Friends are Comfortable With Each OtherOne of the biggest obstacles for many is the way in which friends and families get along. If you’ve met their families, take note of how you felt in their company. If you feel at ease and relaxed, then this could be a clear sign that things are heading in the right direction. It’ll also indicate that you’re compatible with their circle of friends and family, which is quite important! But if you both vacationing (as opposed to having a romance with a local), then the time to meet their close ones is far enough to not concern yourself with it. You Broke Your Heart Saying GoodbyeWe all meet people in our lives and then have to say goodbye, often with no feelings or emotions. Every holiday ends at some point, so when the time comes to part ways, if your heart is breaking, it doesn’t have to be that way. Your emotions are showcasing your deeper feelings which could mean that there’s more to give and take from the relationship. You’ve got a choice here - extend your holiday or instantly connect on Facebook once they’ve gone. Either way, keep those fires burning, and you’ll realise the potential of this relationship. Fate Brings You TogetherSpending your holiday actively seeking romance is likely to lead to forced and false relationships because you’re wanting them to happen. Meeting each other by chance is simply a meeting of fate. If you instantly hit it off and started chatting, then it’s a sign that there’s a spark there and something worth exploring. It’s too simple to get carried away while on holiday, which means flirting with anyone with a pulse will likely end in tears. However, that person who notices the finer details while you’re simply relaxing in your world is the one you should be connecting with, so don’t force it; let things happen naturally. Things Sometimes Progress SlowlyToo often, holiday romances can be a whirlwind of passion, finishing off in the bedroom. This might mean that someone simply wants to get what they came for before it’s time to head home. However, if the relationship has progressed slowly with your fling spending time learning about you, then they’re genuinely into you. In fact, if they arrange a meal out, as opposed to being satisfied with chilling at the beach, then there’s something more here. Meeting Again Becomes an ExpectationIf your holiday fling makes an effort to see you again, then you can take something from it! If you’re genuinely attracted to them, then you should accept their offer, regardless of whether you have to travel far or not! So, a holiday romance can become more than a fling. Understand the signs of what determines a real relationship, and you could find a perfect partner.
09 Aug 2021

Best Romantic Books to Read This Summer

When the sun shines brightly in the sky, we have more reasons to feel better and positive. This leaves us feeling more receptive when it comes to love, intimacy and romance. While we cannot spend every waking minute being intimate, we can spend time reading some fairly saucy and romantic novels. There’s nothing better than getting your teeth into a great book. In fact, a romantic book can keep your love life alive and help your imagination to run wild, so why not consider choosing a good book and see where it takes you? Take a look at these books below and see which ones appeal to you. Heartbreak for Hire - Sonia Hartl This is the first book by Sonia Hartly, and this romantic book is certain to have you gripped. The book focuses on a character known as Brinkley Saunders, who works for a company that helps exes who have been jilted to get revenge. The job isn’t the most glamorous job, but it pays and gives her something to focus on. While things are seemingly going well, her boss announces that it’s time to introduce a man’s touch to the agency. However, the new guy Mark was once the partner of one of her ex-clients who she helped to take revenge against! Brinkley finds herself attracted to Mark, but she knows what he is like. This book is a great lesson in love and helps readers to explore the problems associated with the workplace. Incense and Sensibility - Sonali Dev The next book from the Rajes Series explores a range of themes but mainly focuses on characters that have experienced trauma or grief. The characters are looking to rediscover themselves and learn before they connect again and then embark on a romance that moves at a snail’s pace. The character, Yash Raje, wants to become the first Governor of California who is of Indian heritage, and that’s become his main goal in life. At a rally, his life is attacked, and he starts to lose composure, but if he completely loses it, then he is likely to lose support in steps India Dashwood who is Yash’s sister’s best friend. However, while she is there to help him, they have a past that’s connected by passion. With India back in his life, is this going to end well for them both? Seven Days in June - Tia Williams The story revolves around Eva Mercy, who is a single mother but is also a successful author. However, her life has been moving at a rapid pace, and she is starting to feel tired and worn out, so she looks at creating different stories. Seeking inspiration, she attends a writers’ event where she meets Shane Hall, another writer who lives his life as a recluse. However, they’ve met before because, as teenagers, they had a romance that was forced to end quickly. What the world doesn’t realise is that both writers have been using each other as a basis for their stories. So, these two are thrust together once again, and this book explores their different lives and how their young passion has now become something more complicated now they are adults. The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes The Girls With Stars in Her Eyes is a compelling book that brings together romance and rock music. Antonia Bennett spent much of her childhood hooked on her guitar. As a 12-year-old, she agrees to leave her small town behind with a 13-year-old boy called Sebastian Quick. However, once he turns 18, he decides he wants out and leaves her alone. As the years pass by, Antonia is performing and living the dream, but she then meets Sebastian again while auditioning for a girl band. With Seb back on the scene, she quickly realises that he could either help her achieve her dreams or bring them crashing down. She hasn’t forgiven him, but things develop again but do they head in the direction you expect them to? Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Considered one of the most famous romance novels ever written. The story follows Elizabeth Bennett, who isn’t shy when it comes to sharing her opinions. This causes her to constantly find herself arguing with her partner Mr. Darcy. The story unravels and lures you in with its charm and grace, making this a book certainly worth reading this summer. Happy Endings - Thien Kim Lan The story focuses on Trixie Nguyen, who spends her time selling adult toys. She loves her job as she spends time helping women get more pleasure from sex. She moves to Washington D.C to start over again following the end of a relationship, but she soon meets Andre Walker, her ex. While this might seem bad, we soon learn that he finished the relationship by post-it note which means that they didn’t end on the best note. Initially, there’s no chance they’re hitting it off again, but they soon begin to realise that things work well as friends with benefits. However, they soon find out what worked so well the first time around, which means that they soon struggle to remain friends, as they both crave something more. Hot Copy - Ruby Barrett We all hear about office romance and how fiery they can become, which is why Hot Copy is a worth read this summer. Of course, any office romance can be a challenge, and this novel explores them brilliantly well. Corinne Blunt has a status in the workplace that has left people with a certain feeling about her, but that’s helped her to progress to an executive. She overhears someone in the office making fun of another co-worker, so she uses her power and authority against the person -Wesley Chambers. It soon becomes clear that Wesley is willing to impress and show her what he is all about. His friendly nature soon becomes too much for her, and that breaks down those strong defences that she has worked so hard to build, leading to a story that’s passionate and steamy.

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Dating ideas

Best Outdoor Summer Date Ideas

Outdoor dates provide the ideal opportunity to relax and appreciate the present. Taking a trip with your companion and holding on tight to their hand is one thing; rollerblading with them when the sun shines, the wind blows through your hair, and the road under your feet is another. We become more open and intensely acquainted with one another as we have those exhilarating experiences. Maybe it’s the brightness, or the vitamin D, or the rainy-day kisses, or simply the lovely summer clothes. Something about alfresco dating strikes a chord with people, and you leave with a smile on your face and a sense of well-being. Summer is in full swing, the sun is up, and pieces of clothes have been reduced to crop tops and flip flops. Summer is a great season to spend time with the one you love since there are many ways to do it. Take a look at these summer date activities to keep the romance alive and the chemistry strong in your relationship. Movies at Drive-in Theatres Most people go to the movies in the summertime to relax and unwind, but on cool summer nights, a movie at a drive-in theatre can be a lovely and enjoyable experience. Watching a movie beneath the stars while nibbling on some movie munchies is one of the best ways to unwind. Keep some additional jackets and covers on hand if your date becomes too cold. There’s no happier place for a summer date than a drive-in theatre. If you don’t live near a drive-in, many communities show movies in open areas when the weather permits. Get Your Taste Buds Ready With a Wine Tasting Class It’s worth the drive to a local vineyard if one is close. It’s hard to find a better way to bring a couple together than with a delicious spread of food and wine. You may visit a local winery or vineyard, or you can have it delivered right to your door. Visiting a vineyard is the perfect way to spend a day: you’ll be able to take in the beautiful scenery, sample some delicious food, and maybe even learn a little bit about your favourite drink. Wine tasting is certain to lift your spirits and is also convenient since you can easily take a bottle home to recreate the moment. Go to an Amusement Park Visit a playground with your partner to demonstrate your adventurous side and your fun-loving character. There is no doubt that if you’re a thrill-seeker, a date like this will have your heart racing with a potential future partner. Even if roller coasters and terrifying attractions may not be your favourite, don’t fail to notice that there are parks that cater to a younger generation that are just as enjoyable. The day at the park provides plenty to choose from, whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or prefer the Ferris wheel. Make careful to check ahead of time since some of the more famous parks may demand pre-purchased tickets. Visit a Local Farmers’ Market A visit to a farmers’ market is another excellent option for an outdoor date that will make a lasting impression on both of you. If you’re interested in learning more about a variety of foods, this is a great opportunity to taste a variety of options. You’ll be able to tell whether you like each other more if you know what the other person likes to eat. Pick up some lunchtime delicacies and a bouquet of flowers for your weekend date from a nearby market. You may also get some fresh vegetables for supper that night. Go on a Hike The next time you search for a date idea, consider taking a trek together on a nearby path. With this activity, you and your partner can appreciate the beautiful scenery while getting to know one other healthily. Hiking also provides a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and share your experiences with them as you go over the terrain to immerse yourself in nature. Once you’ve reached the summit, you’ll enjoy sharing the breathtaking view with your loved one. Embark on a Road Trip You don’t need a vacation abroad to feel like you’re in summer, even if your dream trip to Spain or Germany has been put on hold. It would be best to visit galleries, historical attractions, and stores in a neighbouring town you have never been to. If at all possible, get a hotel room and extend your stay. In the end, it doesn’t matter where you end up. Your road trip music and stopping at several roadside sights are more significant than your destination. Take a journey to a destination neither of you has ever been before to bring out your inner explorer. Make a schedule of food and pastimes to enjoy yourself as if you were on vacation. Prepare a Picnic The benefit of a peaceful gathering such as a park picnic should never be underestimated. These dates make it possible for profound personal attachment and the basis of a great relationship. Picnic food is great, even if it isn’t the most creative summer date idea. Fresh fruit, yoghurt, fresh toast, and a nice bottle of white wine are just a few of the items we’d recommend you include in your feast. Enjoy the Outdoors By Going Camping You’ve got the hang of strolling now. You’ve completed the road trip and honed your hiking technique to a fine art. What comes next? A romantic getaway in the woods where you may spend the night cuddled up in your tents, sipping hot chocolate or coffee, is a great idea for a first date. Even if you don’t believe camping is for you, there are many ways to enjoy the outdoors this summer. Alternatively, you may set up camp in your garden for several hours and enjoy hot cocoa, cuddles, and a nice chat. Roasting marshmallows over a campfire helps a lot. Attend a Cooking Class/Workshop You and your significant other will have a great time together in a culinary class, even if you make pasta by hand or churn frozen yoghurt. Feeling pleased after doing something releases adrenaline. When you do this with your relationship, your brain makes the fantastic link between your significant other and those pleasant sensations. In addition to in-person programs offered by local eateries and cooking schools, you may also leverage the power of a broad range of online lessons. Try an Open-Air Fitness Class A romantic connection’s mental and physical health is enhanced when partners engage in physical exercise together. Endorphins and greater physical health work together to make people feel good about themselves and their relationships, which is a valuable asset in any romantic connection. Join a companion for an outside exercise and enjoy the nice weather. Enrol in a water exercise class or take up a new sport such as yoga or canoeing to take advantage of the mild weather while it lasts. Conclusion Are you sick of sitting home and watching Netflix? To spice things up a little, try one of these unique summer date ideas that inject some new life into your dating life. Summer dates are generally cheap or even free, which is one of the finest aspects of the season. You don’t have to restrict yourself to a love partner to test things out; you may also do them with your relatives and friends. When searching for a relaxed date or something a little more exciting, these summer date ideas are guaranteed to make a lasting impression.

Meet your SpeedDater singles events team

Let us introduce the SpeedDater team. We're fun and friendly with loads of personality - just like our guests. We have more experience than any other company in the singles events industry, so we're proud to bring you the best speed dating events and singles parties in the UK. We'll make sure your event is professionally run and we'll be on hand to answer any questions or even give out a few dating tips. Our years of experience understands that your first point of contact should be welcoming, approachable and put you at ease. Hell, we'll even have a drink with you (no tequila please!). Happy dating! Sophie My name is Sophie. I was working as a host for SpeedDaterUK only a few months and then became an event coordinator, which I am very pleased about. I have always wanted to be Cilla Black! In my spare time I like to go to see improv shows and sometimes have a go myself!        
Dating tips

Speed dating tips from the experts!

Smile It's natural to arrive a little nervous to a speed dating event, particularly if you have never been speed dating before and don't know what to expect. Trust me, after the first speeddate or two (and after the first drink or two!) you will realise it's a really fun and easy going singles event with other friendly singles. Everyone is in the same boat – they want to meet new people just like you for friendship and dating. So, relax and smile. There is a famous saying that goes "smile and world smiles with you". This may seem like really obvious dating advice but this really is the most helpful of all tips for speed dating! You’ll be surprised how often guests say “I liked so and so but they were a bit serious about it all”. Singles who are smiling and laughing give off positive energy and attract others towards them. Dating nights are fun, so always go with an open mind and a big smile.   Speed dating questions - avoid work! One of the best dating tips I give guests is to avoid talking about work too much at singles nights. Got a normal professional job? So will 99.9% of the rest of the room. Unless you’ve got a job as a lion tamer or professional champagne/bacon taster, it’s best to leave out the details of what makes you similar to every other person in the room. Although it’s nice to hear what people do to get a sort of background picture, don’t spend your precious 4 minute speeddate explaining how you’ve just taken on a new really complex finance modeling system which is bound to boggle and bore your date. You want to be memorable and have 4 minutes fly by and leave your date wanting more. You don’t want your date to feel like time stood still while they cry on the inside. It’s more interesting to find out what people do when they’re not at work. Super keen to travel through South America? Like spending Sundays pottering around vintage markets? Ever eaten so much pizza that you threw up on the tube? Great, it’s more interesting than your day job. We are not matchmakers at Meetusoon, so it’s up to you to use your time wisely and find out what you have in common. It’s important to not come with a scripted set of speed dating questions, but it never hurts to have a couple up your sleeve in case conversation dries up * I have never thrown up on the tube by the way, just saying.   What to wear speed dating The best dating advice I can give any single men or single women is to dress to impress. Dress as if you were going on a first date. After all, you are going on 8-20 first dates all in one night! First impressions really count at speed dating and singles parties. It’s better to be a bit overdressed than underdressed. At Meetusoon, we choose stylish singles events venues, and we recommend dressing in line with the venues guidelines. Some request no denim, it’s best to check each venue policy before attending. At lot of single professionals come straight from work so are in smart suits and dresses. What to wear speed dating women – a nice dress and heels is a great option, but also make sure you are comfortable too. Don’t be afraid to wear a statement necklace or brightly coloured accessory to stand out and be memorable. What to wear speed dating men – nice shoes, smart jeans and tailored collared shirt is always a wining combo! Think that noone ever notices shoes? Ladies do. Trust me.   Don’t just talk about yourself “Me me me me me me me me m–“ LOUD BELL RINGING! Talking about yourself non-stop for 4 minutes is not ok. Make sure you listen too, it’s always key in any strong relationship.   Speed dating tips for women Ladies, I’ve been there myself and the following speed dating tips for ladies are essential: Come with an open mind Make sure you are sitting down before you read this next sentence: you probably won’t meet Ryan Gosling or George Clooney at your singles event. Sorry! You will however meet new people who aren’t in your normal circle. Give the single guys a chance, even if they are not your ‘typical’ guy you go for. Maybe your ‘type’ isn’t working out for you? Make new friends You can never have too many friends right? So don’t be afraid to find a new gig buddy or jogging partner. Get your mates to meet his mates out for an after work drink and bam – his single work friend is right up your street. I also hear ladies swapping details with other ladies sat near by. Why? Sometimes all your mates are getting married/having babies and you just need some more wingwomen. I once had a guy secure a job interview during a speeddate. Network ladies, network! Don’t get too pissed Nobody likes a pretty girl with a foul drunken pirate mouth. It’s easy to knock back a couple of cocktails as dutch courage but don’t overdo it. Especially if you’re coming straight from work on an empty stomach. I once saw a girl vomit during her last speeddate. True story! It wasn’t sexy. Or funny. Try more than one speed dating event Singles nights are a numbers game. Sometimes you fancy 1 guy, sometimes you fancy 4 guys and sometimes you don’t fancy anyone. If you don’t fancy anyone you can come again for free speed dating under the guarantee we offer. Try a few singles events to increase your chances of finding your perfect match. Around 80% of singles get at least one match, and while these are good odds, remember that for 20% of guests it just wasn’t their night. The largest dating night we do is the singles parties format. Our singles party nights get up to 300 guests. Don’t be afraid to come to a singles night on your own Lots of guests come to dating events and singles parties on their own. Singles events are absolutely a great ladies night out. It’s great having moral support from your bestie, but you do risk chatting to your friend and not getting out of your comfort zone. Also consider being split up from your friends when the speed dating starts. Let’s say you are a group of 6 work colleagues on a single girls night out. If you are all sat in a row guys will be a) slightly intimidated by such a big group and b) possibly a bit bored by everyone having the same job and hearing bits in advance about their next date. So, consider 3 groups of 2 spread out. Just ask your host for more layout speed dating tips on arrival. If you are attending a singles night on your own, join up with a group of single women at bar so you can have a bit of a gossip before the speed dating kicks off.   Speed dating tips for men Take heed of the following speed dating tips for men: Book your singles event ticket in advance Single women tend to book in advance, and single men often leave booking dating events to the last minute. Spontaneous you say? Here’s how booking last minute actually leads to imbalanced singles events. If ladies places are sold out, this often means there are women on the waiting list, but we need more guys to book first. If you leave your booking till on the day, when we contact the waitlist they have made other plans or it’s too late notice. Basically, the earlier you book, the more single women you will meet. Network Most guys arrive on their own to dating nights, which is totally fine. You are there to meet single women after all and can hang out with the lads anytime. As soon as you sign in with your host at the singles event, join one of the other guys at the bar and say hi. Single ladies love seeing guys chatting and having a laugh before the event starts. It makes you seem friendly and approachable. As most ladies arrive in a pair, you then have nice equal numbers to join up before/after the dating event. When you are asked ‘how do you two know each other’ you can say you just met randomly that night which proves you are a really social, friendly person. It’s a big deal for single women to introduce potential boyfriends to their friends. If she can see you can hold your own with strangers then you’ve got a little tick instantly. Contact your friendship and dating matches Ladies are far more conservative than guys on the ticking front. If they are a bit unsure they sometimes tick ‘friend’ instead of ‘date’. This is why guys tend to get less love match ticks than women. Get in touch anyway, it could still be worth meeting up, or getting a group of mates together for a low pressure night out and see what happens. Move on promptly between dates There is usually at least 1 minute between each speeddate. This gives singles enough time to wrap up the conversation and write down badge numbers/names. Don’t just talk through the 1 minute, or you won’t have time to write anything down. Even if you really really really like your date you still need to move on anyway. It is called SPEED dating for a reason – they dates are deliberately short. Will that extra 30 seconds really win her over? Probably not. But it will annoy the lady next to her who is sat on her own waiting, the guy behind you who is wishing you’d hurry up and your host who is trying to keep the dates even/keep a smooth flowing format. Remember to step away from the table so your date can have some privacy to fill out her scorecard too. It’s even more important at singles parties to move promptly, as the speed dating is done in short 30-40 min sessions. You will not meet every person in the singles party session, you just meet as many as possible in 30-40 mins. So, the quicker you move, the more people you will meet at singles parties. Think of this as speed dating etiquette for gentlemanly single men. Sell yourself What makes you stand out? What makes you memorable? Remember there are up to 20 other single guys to compete against so you want a bit of banter to keep things light. Women love funny men - make her laugh and she’s yours.   Speed dating questions Speed dating is great fun, but what do you ask your dates? With only 3-5 minutes per date, it’s important to use your time wisely and find out what you have in common. Trust our years of experience in the speed dating game and have a peek at our guide below for bad and good speed dating questions to ask your dates. Never come with a scripted set of speed dating questions, but feel free to memorise a few in case conversation dries up. Remember to talk as much as you listen and ensure the conversation is balanced. Don’t talk about yourself too much! First impressions count, so look the part as well as talking the part. The best speed dating questions in the world won’t save you if you wear tracksuit pants speed dating. Dating Advice Good Speed Dating Questions and Topics The best topics to talk about are those which are leading – give your dates a chance to open up rather than give a yes/no response. Find out what interests you share and keep it light. We don’t want to get too serious for an introduction date, so banter and humour are a must.   SpeedDater’s Top 40 Speed Dating Questions Background speed dating questions Where did you grow up? Got any brothers and sisters? Got any pets? Are you a morning or night person? What’s your favourite season of the year? How would your best mate describe you? Speed dating questions about travel Where was the last place you travelled to? Do you prefer city breaks, active breaks or sunshine and beaches? Where is the next place you plan to visit? Do you like Belgium breaks or would you rather go abroad? Speed dating questions about your date’s interests What do you like doing when you aren’t at work? What are you most passionate about? Do you like being active or prefer quality time on the sofa? What do you like doing on a Sunday? Made plans for this weekend? Speed dating questions about your date’s aspirations What did you want to be when you were younger? What do you look for in a relationship? If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be Speed dating questions to ask your date about music/movies/TV What was the last gig you went to? What kind of music are you into? If you could see anyone perform live who would it be? Seen any good films lately? What sort of film genre is your favourite? What are your favourite films? Got any weird celebrities crushes? Do people tell you that you look like someone famous? Watching any good TV series at the moment? Read any good books lately? Food/drink speed dating questions What’s your favourite tipple? What would your 'last meal' be? Do you like to cook? If yes what's your 'signature dish'? If you could only eat one style of food for the rest of your life what would it be? (Italian/Thai etc) What’s your favourite sandwich filling? What’s a good restaurant you’ve been to in the last month? Are you are starter and main or main and desert person? Random speed dating questions What 3 items could you never live without? Have you got any unusual party tricks? What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Would you rather x or y?   Dating Advice Speed Dating Questions and Topics to Avoid Work It’s ok to get the basics but don’t waste your precious 4 minutes talking non-stop about work. Exes If you’re talking about your ex it means there are still unresolved feelings there. Religion/politics Too intense for first time you meet someone, save it for later. Money No one likes when people brag about money. Also don’t ever ask how much someone earns, it’s none of your business! Cricket Do I need to explain this one? Cricket is dull. Marriage/kids It’s important to know you are on the same page, but discussing it in the first 4 minutes is a bit much. Keep things lighter.   Anyone can talk for a few minutes, honestly. If you haven’t been before, the fear of the unknown is what makes people nervous. Will I be the only one there? Will everyone be weird? Will it be hard to make conversation? No, no, and no. A few dates in you will see how friendly people are and how easy a 4 minute conversation is. Every event I host has guests say it’s much easier/more fun than they thought it would be and they wonder what they were worried about. These topics are also great to use as first date questions. Relax, smile and have fun speed daters!   I hope you’ve enjoyed my dating tips and I hope to meet you at a speed dating singles night, singles activity dating event or lock and key party soon. Happy dating – enjoy yourself Speedaters!

What Is Speed Dating and How Does It Work?

Speed dating is the most popular type of singles event! Speed dating is the perfect way to meet lots of new people in just one night. The format involves a series of 3-4 minute dates with up to 20 single professionals. We recommend coming with an open mind and a smile! Busy lives result in the need for affordable, fun, safe and time savvy ways to meet like-minded people. SpeedDater launched way back in 2002 and is the leader in the UK singles events market. What Is Speed Dating and How Does It Work?SpeedDater launched in 2002, leading the UK singles events market. The aim of SpeedDater Events is to provide singles with an opportunity to meet a room full of new people in just one night. So what is a speed dating event? The format is as follows; the guests will have 4-5 minute dates with up to 12 other single men and women. There will be a host at the event who will sign you in and badge you, they will also explain how the evening will run if you’re new and unsure. Your badge will match one of the tables in the room and usually apart from Gay, Lesbian and activity events, the men will rotate and the women will stay seated. How Does Speed Dating Work?What is speed dating and how does it work? You may still be wondering...You will be given a score card which is how you log your dates in the evening, and then after the event, simply log in with your username and password and log who you liked. Once you have entered this, you will be able to see if anyone has matched you. It is FREE to send messages to your matches. However, if you didn’t match or like anyone from the event, you can request another free event! Now that doesn’t sound too bad does it?! We hope that our definition of speed dating matches what you think, and will encourage you to get booking onto our events! You may be thinking, well who actually goes speed dating? Well any single person who is interested in meeting new people and potentially finding someone. You need to come with an open mind, you never know who you could meet at one of our speed dating events. Everyone is at the speed dating event for the same reason; to meet new people, expand their social circle and potentially meet someone special. SpeedDater provides a relaxed environment where everyone can meet everyone and you won’t have to feel like you’re the only single person there… because everyone will be single! Worried you won’t be able to attend an event because you don’t live in London? Well...SpeedDater doesn’t just operate in London, we have events for singles all over the UK, in cities which are becoming very popular; Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester, Brighton and in twenty two other cities to be exact. So no need to worry, you will not be missing out if you live in any of these cities as there will be a chance to meet like minded singles just down the road! We also make sure that we cater to all ages, offering events for different age ranges, including 24-38, 36-55 and 55-67. Here at SpeedDater, we also accomodate to those people who prefer to step out of the box and into a more niche style of event. We run singles parties, speed duetting, wine tasting, elite events and many more. Perhaps you want to try something new or you want to meet someone in a more active way, our activity events and parties can provide you with that. There really is something to suit everyone at SpeedDater events. So hopefully you won’t be wondering ‘how does speed dating work?’ anymore. Our speed dating events are held in a variety of stylish bars across the UK and we are often complimented on our choice of venue, especially our London party locations. We always have exclusive use of a private section of the venue, so you are able to mingle peacefully! Sometimes, people feel nervous to attend a speed dating event because it is face to face instead of through an app. However, we believe that speed dating is way more successful than meeting someone on a dating app with over 80% of our guests getting at least one match at each event. Here are some other reasons that speed dating is more beneficial than dating online: - Internet dating can become very overwhelming and many people who you may actually like in person can be discounted because of overly pickiness. - You HAVE to speak to everyone at speed dating events which is not the case on apps. You can pick and choose who you talk to even if you match them. And most importantly!: - Meeting people face to face can spark instant chemistry and connection that you can’t really find just from someone’s photo!  Surely after our very clear speed dating definition, you will be feeling like meeting new people and having a night with us at SpeedDater. How to Choose a Speed Dating Event? SpeedDater has a variety of events including regular speed dating, parties, wine tasting, speed duetting and many more. We understand that choosing what event to go to is a difficult decision, but here are some tips that may make the decision a little bit easier: 1. Before anything, think about your preferences for meeting someone and the kind of event you could see this happening at. For example, a lot of people like our parties because it creates a normal night out atmosphere...however everyone in the room is in the same boat and looking for that special someone. 2. Research! Check out our website for our different styles of events and read the description carefully so you know exactly what each event is about. This will definitely help you when deciding. 3. Think outside the box, try something new… maybe just push yourself and go wine tasting or speed duetting, even if you’ve never done it before. Even though you may be nervous, the fact that you have decided to do something you’ve perhaps never done before will look great and you’ll be feeling great afterwards! 4. It may become your new hobby...if you decide to choose an activity event, you may enjoy it so much that you want to book again! You would learn so much about how speed dating events work if you try it all out! At the speed dating eventWhen you arrive, our lovely host will welcome you and sign you in. Your badge will match a table in the room and usually the ladies stay seated while the men rotate about every 3-4 mins. You will have a card to mark down if you are interested in the people you meet. Think of the dates as mini introductions. It’s the perfect amount of time to leave you wanting more, or if you’re not hitting it off then onto the next! There’s plenty of opportunity to sip drinks, chat and flirt the night away. After the speed dating event Simply log in with your username and password and click the 'matches' tab. Once you have entered your ticks you will see if you match with anyone. Remember it's FREE to send/read messages to/from all the guests you have met at the event through our secure website. All our events are guaranteed! If you don't meet at least one person you'd like to see again your next event is FREE! What have you got to lose? Who goes speed dating?Single and fabulous people just like you. Our database is brimming with “busy professionals” and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by who you meet. Remember that everyone is there for the same reason – to meet new people, expand their social circles and maybe even meet someone special. Many people find themselves in the situation where lots of their friends are already hooked up, their workplace isn’t an ideal dating environment, and they aren’t interested in drunken fumblings in clubs. Speed dating offers the perfect relaxed and pressure free solution for how to meet new people who are on the same page. We run events for all ages, plus a variety of niche events like graduate professionals, international, elite, wine tasting, walks and more. There really is something to suit everyone. Where are dating events held?SpeedDater chooses popular and stylish bars with central locations. We are often complimented on our choice of venues – being the largest singles company we get the first choice on the best bars. We always have exclusive use of private rooms so you can flirt in privacy.