5 Online Dating Myths
14 Apr 2014

5 Online Dating Myths

Online dating is one of the most popular ways to meet other singles in the 21st Century, but there are some singles out there who have not joined the craze. This may be due to certain myths that people have when it comes to online dating. Here are 5 online dating myths that need to be put straight!

1. Online dating is for... people

There seems to be a myth that online dating is only for unattractive/desperate singles. This is not the case. Are you weird, unattractive and desperate? No, neither are the millions of other singles browsing and chatting to other singles online right now. Online dating sites are full of normal, attractive, well accomplished singles who have a lot to offer.

Sure, there will be the some people who don’t appeal to you, but isn’t that the same with anything in life? I attract weirdos on the bus, so if there is 1 nightmare in a million on a dating site I will of course find them. But for every person you don’t fancy there are loads of great potential dates waiting to be found. With so many dating sites out there, there is sure to be one that meets everyone’s preference; mature singles, single professionals, millionaires, elite singles, Christian dating, pet lovers and many more.

2. Dating sites are too expensive

Yes some online dating sites do cost, but just look around as dating sites offer free registration and browsing. You will find a variety of different dating memberships to suit what you are after. Put it like this: how much would you spend going out to a bar to meet other single people?

Love is an important part of anyone’s life. Your love life shouldn’t be neglected and left to fate and chance. You need to be proactive about meeting new people and sometimes that means investing not only your time but a little bit of cash. Just as you would spend money enhancing your health with gym memberships, your happiness through travelling and your career with courses.

3. Singles lie on their online dating profile

We have always had this thought in our head that everyone lies online. Okay so some singles lie online, the most common truth twisting is about their age, height and weight. The reason they lie is simple because they want to seem more attractive to other singles, but these cases are few and far between and what you see online is more than often true. Most singles understand that if/when you do meet in person the truth will come out, so there is no point in creating a dream online dating profile when the reality doesn’t match.

4. Meeting someone on online dating is an embarrassment

Yep, maybe a 10 years ago when online dating was new and singles were sceptical. There was once a time when singles didn’t admit to using dating sites. Those days are well and truly over. Now singles are getting their mates to help them right or left swipe and join them for a drink after they go to a singles event for a gossip. If you haven’t had a look at an online dating site, dating app or been to a singles night you are in the minority. I even hear married friends say they wished they got to try it all out before they tied the knot and missed the chance!

Everyone is curious about the world of online dating. We see adverts all the time for dating sites. We all know at least one couple who met online. Or two, or eight. (Or if you are like me and work for a singles events and online date site you will know thousands of success stories!!). Online dating has just become as natural and expected as going into a bar and meeting someone. Even more acceptable. Drunken flings are so 10 years ago.

5. You never find other singles online that you would want to start a relationship with

This is wrong. Most people think that it’s highly unlikely to meet another single online that you will hit it off with. It’s the exact opposite. These days more and more singles are heading to online dating and meeting other singles online and starting relationships/friendships and even getting married. A staggering 70% of people are meeting other singles and starting relationships through online dating.

Now that I have cleared a few things up for you about certain myths of online dating, why not get out there and browse some online dating websites? There are a lot out there to choose from so do your homework and see what is best for you. Create a profile and start browsing the millions of other singles who are already part of the craze! The majority of the singles who attend our speed dating and singles parties also use our online dating site. Attending singles events while online dating just increases your chances of meeting someone who you hit it off with. Click here to join!

Happy dating!


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