What not to include in your online dating profile...
31 Aug 2018

What not to include in your online dating profile...

Modern dating usually involves using mobile apps or online dating websites. And whether you love it or not, your dating profile is one of the most important elements to attract potential dates. The first step is to try and summarise how interesting and dynamic you are as a person whilst appealing to a wide number of people. This is no mean feat.

Here are some top tips on what to avoid when putting together your profile.

Honesty is always the best policy

At SpeedDater Towers we are all about meeting In Real Life (IRL). So, if you intend on meeting people in the real world then you will need to be honest about who you are. There is no point pretending you are 6ft when you are 5ft 7 or that every weekend you spend climbing mountains when in reality you prefer brunch with friends followed by cocktails. The truth is, accepting who you are, just the way you are, will help more than anything when it comes to finding your ideal match. Everyone should feel proud of their hobbies and interests. Always remember there is someone out there just like you!

Avoid negativity

Dating can often be a mixed bag of experiences and it is easy to feel disillusioned by the whole experience. If you list a number of things that you don’t want in a potential partner you are potentially discounting people as well as appearing negative. No one likes a bitter mood hoover so it’s best to leave the moaning to when you’re having a beer with your mates and keep putting those positive vibes for your profile.

Inappropriate photos are a big no no

A picture can tell a 1,000 words so choosing a set of photos that conveys the type of person you are is therefore very important. Don’t risk offending anyone by using a selfie from the Jewish memorial in Berlin or that time you stroked a tiger in Asia – and yes they were drugged up to be that docile. Think you look cute with the latest snap chat filter? No! If you can’t look like an adult in your photos how are can you act like an adult in real life. And don’t get us started on photos of you holding your prize-winning carp. We can buy our fish in the local Sainsbury's thanks. Photos of you in bed just make you look overly suggestive and desperate whilst photos with your ex don’t even need any explaining. On a positive note that picture of you looking radiant on a beach in Ibiza or that group shot at your 30th birthday are just perfect!

When is there too much detail?

Obviously you will want to include a bio in your profile to ensure that people want to find out more about you. There is always the temptation to want to write down everything about your life but over-sharing about how things ended terribly with your ex or airing extreme opinions is best avoided. Again it’s all about positivity!

Some top bonus tips to follow!

In order to leave things on a positive note we offer you some simple tips for your profile or online dating.

Be relaxed and approachable in your profile. Remember this isn’t a job application!

Always run your profile passed someone before posting as they will know your positive points and how to make sure they come across.

We all have a ‘type’ that we tend to be attracted to and this can often lead to reducing the pool of potential partners that we might match with. So when swiping we suggest you look outside of your ‘type.’ This may mean that you enter unchartered territory but it may also open you up to new possibilities.

Our final tip is to make sure you arrange dates and meet people In Real Life. If you haven’t attended one of our speed dating events yet then this is your chance to enjoy up to 15 dates in one night! More info here.

If you enter dating with an open and positive mind and you’ll meet someone before you know it.
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